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Throughout my life, I have always had an interest in all things art and design. Since the start of my studies at Arizona State University - Polytechnic, I have been given a variety of opportunities to show off my creativity as well as my determination to solve everyday design problems with many clients.


To me, graphic design alone is a form of art. You don’t have to be born a genius in order to become an artist or to make an impact. Graphic Designers have the opportunity to become the Leonardo da Vinci or Vincent Van Gogh of the design industry. All it takes is expanding your mind creatively and never restricting yourself. I strive to be that kind of designer. So far, my work shows that mindset.


Funny thing enough, I didn't always want to be a graphic designer. When I was little, I wanted to be an astronaut. Of course, I was at the age when all kids wanted to be police officers or firefighters, so I don't think that really counts on my end. As I got older, I started to have more of an interest in design when it came to structures. Ideally, I was interested in becoming a "line-queue designer" for Disney, in which I would create the overall look of the ride. Because I was younger, I didn't realize that "line-queue designer" was just my terminology for architect.

Eventually, when I discovered the ASU Polytechnic campus, I found out they had a program there called Graphic Information Technology (GIT) that dealt with graphic design and other focus areas. Once I discovered the program existed, along with the fact that nowadays, people aren't looking for just architects, they're looking for engineers, I decided to give the program a try and I immediately fell in love with it. Now, I am about to graduate with my bachelors with four years of design experience under my belt.


Enough about my graphic design background! Let's talk about some of my interests. If you ever have the chance to meet me, you'll find out that I'm a vinyl collector and a music lover. I'm 110% serious when I say this...I can't live without music. Everyday, I'm wearing my headphones, listening to music for a majority of the day. When I'm not, I'm listening to my vinyls. I collect a lot of film score vinyls, as well as rock, pop, jazz, oldies and more. I also have a lot of vinyls that have music from other parts of the world, such as Scotland, Japan, Italy and other destinations.


When I'm not working on projects or anything work related, I like to unwind by taking out my notepad and draw whatever's on my mind. A lot of times, I draw just random doodles like monsters or little alien creatures. Sometimes though, I'll draw out a cityscape or a building, which I guess it's the leftovers from my former architectural interests.


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